An army of one

An army of one. This is the slogan of the US Military. This is how they promote themselves is the commercials, to get young people to join the army. And then I ask myself, what is about unity, teamwork and subordination, if not the army. About discipline, about ranks and following orders. Cause this is the army’s structure. It is not about one soldier, which on the other hand means to think for your self, to decide for your self, and that there is nobody other to think for or to take into consideration.

Their slogan is more about the picture you can get from the movies. Where the soldier breaks the rules, by not subordinating to their superiors, and does the big good thing for what he will become a hero. I think their slogan doesn’t promote the right message.

Captain B.


~ Szerző: captainb - június 4, 2007.
